Doing a Heckin Relax

By Colin McFadden
This post is part of a series called Southeast Asia 2023
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We’re winding down our time in Penang, and we’ve ticked most of the items on our abbreviated todo list. We had to be up early so Kat could be on a zoom board meeting, so we got roti and kaya toast before the sunrise. After her call wrapped up, we wandered through the market near our house and got some noodles, then made our way down to the seafront. There’s a nicely paved new trail which runs along the water, which was pleasant and flat, with a nice breeze. A far cry from hauling ourselves up the hills yesterday.

Though we were mostly just interested in checking out the new path, it had the bonus of bringing us near an ice cream shop that had been on our list. Utterly ice cream is mostly focused on retail, but has a small shop in an industrial area where we got some pandan coconut ice cream. There are so many new boutique ice cream shops in Penang – we’ve barely scratched the surface.

We spent the afternoon relaxing at China House, painting and reading.

In the evening, we went to a hawker market near our Valentines dinner location, and took a circuitous route home enjoying a cooler, breezy evening. Our route happened to pass by Ludwig’s soft serve, so we went for our second ice cream of the day. Eventful stuff!

2 thoughts on “Doing a Heckin Relax

  • Deb February 16, 2023 at 2:25 pm Reply

    Looks like a wonderful day. Love Kat’s paintings!

  • Susan McFadden February 16, 2023 at 2:49 pm Reply

    I agree about Kat’s paintings. The seaside walk looks wonderful

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