By Colin McFadden

Romania 2024

One wonders how often someone ends up in Bucharest, wondering where the Danube is? I’ll admit, I didn’t know a lot about Romania prior to this trip. And, admittedly, it wasn’t a destination at the top of my travel todo list. This trip was primarily about attending the TRACE conference, which focuses on dendrochronology. I’ve…

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By Colin McFadden

Going to Cuba (Legally)

I recently returned from a quick trip to Cuba. As with any new destination, I tried to do as much research as possible in advance. I was surprised with how much outdated, contradictory, or intentionally misleading content exists on the subject of traveling to Cuba as an American. So, for this trip tip, I’m going…

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By Colin McFadden

Cuba 2024

I recently returned from a quick trip to Cuba. I’ll be doing some separate trip tips about the logistics of such a trip, but for now I wanted to capture some memories of the experience. This was a “see it before our politics make it harder” trip, and I came away with a much deeper…

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By Colin McFadden

Travel Photo Management

On our trip to Reunion Island, we shot 2,039 photos. That kind of volume can be a challenge to deal with. While you can certainly go deep on photo management, there are a few basics every traveler should square away.  Pay the Tax Whether you’re an Apple iPhone user, or you’re in the Android ecosystem,…

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By Colin McFadden

Views on Views

This post is part of a series called Reunion Island 2024 Our second to last day on Reunion, and our last scheduled activity – rock climbing at Piton Maïdo. This was another booking with Olivier from Adventures Reunion, but this time it was a private booking – just the two of us. We left the…

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By Colin McFadden

Photo Books

This is the time of year when a lot of us think about putting together photo books of our trips. Every December, I collect all of our travel blog posts from the past year, along with some photos, and print a single copy. It’s a fun thing to have on the bookshelf to flip through…

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By Colin McFadden

Hiring a Driver

Hiring a driver for a day, or a few days, can be a time- and money-saving way to get around while traveling. But lots of folks don’t do it, because it’s one area of travel that hasn’t (yet) been fully app-ified. Why Hire a Driver? Obviously services like Uber, Bolt and DiDi make it easy…

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